Get rid of your food allergies, quickly and permanently
This powerful method can remove your allergies, saving you money, and saving you from stress and costly mistakes. I can help you to be FREE from your allergies It may sound too good to be true, but please read on.
Are you constantly avoiding foods because of allergies?
If so, you know what it feels like to...
always be anxious when you need to eat outside your home.
spend lots of time checking ingredient labels, sometimes needing to look up ingredients to determine safety.
worry about making mistakes, which could lead to devastating consequences.
feel guilty when you mess up with food, causing pain or discomfort, or a trip to the hospital.
spend lots of time and money securing just the right foods.
I Have the PERFECT Solution for You!
What would change if you had no food allergies?
Consider the freedom you would have! You would be able to eat without fear! Not only is it possible, but it is quicker and easier than you would imagine, very often resolving in one session!
Your body just needs information and direction, it wants to heal itself. I can help with that. Schedule your session now.
Board Certified Holistic Health Practitioner Creator of Healing Prompt Therapy
My Health Journey When I was in my 30’s, I began to have multiple symptoms. I was a computer programmer, and am very analytical, so I began to research. I felt strongly that these symptoms were related, even though they didn’t seem to be.
Through lots of research, I eventually figured out that my multiple unrelated symptoms were the result of a food allergy to gluten. Through more research, I determined the reason for my food allergy, which had to do with methylation and a caused by a genetic deficiency. After years of careful gluten free living (for myself and my young boys), I FOUND THE SOLUTION! It worked immediately!
For the past 8 years, I have been using the method I created as a result of my research to help others get rid of their allergies and heal from various "incurable" issues. I want to offer my solution to you. It is fast and risk-free.
Release your allergies guarantee: If your allergies continue after the initial set of consultation sessions, additional sessions will be available at no cost. If they persist after a set of additional sessions, you will receive your choice of continuing treatment for another set of sessions or a full refund. There is no "homework" (diet, exercise, supplements) required between sessions, although minimal supplements or foods with certain nutrients may be suggested.
How it works:
Why is it safe: If your allergies are anaphylactic, you will not test it by eating the food, we will first use muscle testing then you will wait until you are able to get an allergy test, then try the food under the supervision of a doctor or allergist. There is no