Cravings and weight gain are related. Food cravings are most often caused by a genetic deficiency. This causes hormones to not function properly, which triggers inflammation. (One of these hormones is insulin.) Inflammation is a sign of toxin buildup, which causes fat storage. The body needs to find someplace safe to store the toxins that it cannot get rid of properly, and fat cells are most often the chosen destination. The body will not get rid of the fat cells unless it is safe to, which means that the toxicity can be dealt with. Toxins build up because of either too many being taken in, or the biological pathway that they are supposed to take out of the body is not working properly.
A breakdown in a biological pathway can be caused by a gene abnormality or something else, like medication or a nutrient or hormone imbalance. Read about biological pathways here. In order to fix this, the pathway and genes causing the problem needs to be identified and the root cause assessed. Healing Prompt Therapy can be used to prompt healing of the pathway(s) and/or gene(s) causing the problem. A Healing Prompt Therapy practitioner has the knowledge and practice needed to find the prompts that would help correct the toxin (weight) and cravings issues at the root of the problem. |